TestimonialsMy global experience with LineHi, my name is Jacinthe,
Let me share with you my experiment following a consultation with Line Dagenais and Tititanka. A friend of mine told me that she attended a Group Channeling with Line Dagenais. She was surprised by the high intensity of the energy that was there. She added that Line was singing in an unknown language. She was quite happy and recommanded that I call Line for an appointment.
I have been looking for a good spiritual coach that could help me improve my life through his/her teachings for quite a bit of time.
The first reading with Line was done over the phone. As soon as I ask for some information, she tells me what she sees along my chakras. I can’t believe it!
She asks me to tell her about my greatest heart desire. It was extraordinary. After taking phases I, II, and III, my heart desire was accomplished.
That experiment brought me back in my heart and allowed me to go deeply into my soul and free any harmfull memories and obstacles , Line facilitates the reconnection with our divine self. This reactivates all of our gifts while providing access to new ones.
I am a human being that is One with the divine into myself. Today, I am a life coach and I am in my mission. I am very happy and full of gratitude.
Thank you Line Dagenais and Tititanka for all those teachings and releases that transform us and allow us to thrust ourselves. We live in this new world on the earth, and we are human beings, beings of Love that came here to make great accomplishments.
Thank you Line. You helped me do that transition. I am now a transformed person, and I am happy with KAYATSHO.
Jacinthe Gauthier Life coach with KAYATSHO Chateauguay Following a remote reading of the Aura...Bonjour Line, That was quite an experimentation, that reading of the Aura over the phone! I was relaxed, at home, laying down on my massage table, and all I had to do was to switch the phone speaker onand listen to your voice. I immediately felt the same energy that I am used to when you are physically there. I knew what it would be like since I know that energy has no limits (no boundaries, no distance). Since I could remain in that position as long as I wanted after the session I enjoyed it at maximum. I did not have to get back into my car and hit the road. Thanks to allow me to extend the benefits of receiving a reading of the Aura. Denis Video Testimonial following a Private Channeling - Phase IIVideo Testimonial following a Private Channeling - Phase IIIFollowing a personalized sacred chant...Thank you Line and Titi Tanka...For that great moment spent with you over the phone. I received that new energy and this vivrant chant from Titi Tanka and Line over the phone. I felt so much intensity that I can't explain with words! As I write this testimonial all my cells are dancing with me. Following that vibrant chant I feel a great serenity within me. That was as powerfull as smooth. Every chakra opened up simultaneously. I was so pleased to feel that warmth, that new energy surrounding my cells and my energetic body. All I needed was there. It was as powerfull as if I had been physically with you. I was anchored as my third eye and my crown opened up. I receive and accept these new energiesthat will be usefull to pursue my way with fluidity and smoothness. Thanks again Line for that special moment, With all my love. Josée Lambert
Thérapeute énergétique819-943-3907 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. joseelambert.com
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